white paper from Deutsche Platform: Hybrid TV
-Overview of Internet & TV
-Web TV, IPTV and Hybrid TV
-Consumer Electronics and Networking
-Types of Hybrid TV
-Overview of the various Hybrid TV Packages
-HbbTV as a Standard: Origin, Application and Outlook
-Display and Use of Web Services on Hybrid Devices
-Business Models and Advertising Types for Hybrid TV
-Over the Top TV: Important National / International Players
-Results of Hybrid End Devices WG
-Commercial Requirements
-Content Guidelines
-Perspectives: Smart TV, the Cloud and Mobile Devices
-Workshop “From Smartphone to Smart TV: Apps conquer TV”
-Usability – Studies on Operation Concepts
-Open Questions about Hybrid TV
-Market Situation & Future Opportunities
-Device Sales, Turnover Development
-HbbTV and Audience Acceptance
-Trend Forecasts and Future Opportunities
-Glossary: Important Terms and Abbreviations